Download Python Parasol
Sourceforge hosts the python parasol project (pyparasol). It can be downloaded
at:Python Parasol Download
Aside from python itself, there are four Required packages that must be installed
for parasol to work properly. (I recommend at least python version 2.5)
Make sure you get the latest distributions. I have had trouble on Windows 2000 and Windows 98
with older packages. The software versions that I have tested in python 2.5
on Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are shown below.
(Both the required and optional packages are shown.)
All of the above required packages are included in the
Enthought Python Distribution along
with a host of other very useful packages. I have not tested the Enthought distribution
as extensively, however, I have had very good luck with Enthought in the past.
Two optional packages can also be installed.
If you download the parasol ZIP file, then unzip parasol to the directory
of your choice and install it in typical python fashion using
the code shown below.
python install
If you download the EXE install file, then simply execute the EXE and
parasol will be installed into your python library.
After installing parasol, test your installation by downloading any of the example
files and run them.
I hope parasol makes your mathematical experiences easier and more productive.
My Thanks to Sourceforge for Their Support